Exercise with Marcelle

Who said that people with medical limitations cannot train?

Whether you are suffering from an accidental medical limitation or from a chronic medical condition, a well-planned specific training program will benefit you both physically and morally.

Tips for staying fit and healthy

  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat healthy food
  • Drink water
  • Sleep and relax
  • And enjoy your life!

Check out Marcelle's Program of Medical Fitness and stay tuned to her continuous tips and support by subscribing to her newsletter and her personal blog, or by following her pages on social media.

You can also benefit from a free trial by contacting Marcelle directly and scheduling a free trial and assessment session. Click Here to schedule your session.

Schedule a free assessment

Full Name


My name is Ramona Ramleh. I’m 27 years old. From the age of 19 I suffered from an acute back pain. I tried to go to the gym, tried to do different kind of exercises; with no result.  Until I met with Marcelle, and I was relived from the pain, I have been with Marcelle for over two years I didn’t feel back pain anymore. Other than the pain relief I lost more than 15 kilos, and my body shape changed for the better; especially when we started the Eldoa and the Myfascial stretching. These are very simple exercises that helped me shape my body. I only go for 2 times a week 1.5 hours a day; and with only these exercises I got these amazing results. I feel better in my own skin, my posture changed for the better, and the most important thing is that I’m pain free! 
