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Zalka - Akabet Biakout - Highway nahr el mout - Baabdat Highway

Tel: +961 3 321 954 60159


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My name is Ramona Ramleh. I’m 27 years old. From the age of 19 I suffered from an acute back pain. I tried to go to the gym, tried to do different kind of exercises; with no result.  Until I met with Marcelle, and I was relived from the pain, I have been with Marcelle for over two years I didn’t feel back pain anymore. Other than the pain relief I lost more than 15 kilos, and my body shape changed for the better; especially when we started the Eldoa and the Myfascial stretching. These are very simple exercises that helped me shape my body. I only go for 2 times a week 1.5 hours a day; and with only these exercises I got these amazing results. I feel better in my own skin, my posture changed for the better, and the most important thing is that I’m pain free! 
