Exercise with Marcelle

General information about Medical Massages

Want to relax and have a time for yourself, while improving your health?

Medical massage is performed to help and ameliorate your specific problems, conditions or pathologies diagnosed by a physician.

Massage is considered part of complementary medicine. It is offered to help and enhance treatment for medical conditions. It is a scientific and a problem solving technique oriented to fix and help patients find relief.

Medical massages have clinical methods like myofascial treatments, deep tissue massage, cross-fiber friction, neuromuscular technique, and muscle energy technique.

Benefits of Medical Massage

  • Reduces Stress
  • Reduces Pain and Muscle Tension
  • Gives Physical Relaxation
  • Improves Blood Circulation
  • Relieves Tight Muscles
  • Reduces Anxiety
  • Gives more flexibility and ranges motion
  • Enhances Energy

Check out Marcelle's Medical Massages and stay tuned to her continuous tips and support by subscribing to her newsletter and her personal blog, or by following her pages on social media.

You can also benefit from a free trial by contacting Marcelle directly and scheduling a free trial and assessment session. Click Here to schedule your session.

Schedule a free assessment

Full Name


My name is Myriam Kordahi, I’ve been with Marcelle for over than 15 years. I had neck problems and the doctor told me not to lift heavy weights, but with the help of Marcelle’s exercises and a short period of time I got a lot better and the pain started to fade away. And now I have pinches in my knee with arthritis, I did some physiotherapy sessions, and the doctors forbid me to do squats. But now with the Eldoa techniques that Marcelle is giving me, for more than 6 months there is no more pain and no inflammation. Thanks Marcelle !
