Exercise with Marcelle

General information about Obesity

Obesity is a serious medical condition whereby fat increases in an individual’s body due to various reasons and accumulates to a certain level that is considered dangerous on health causing risky complications.

Dangers of Obesity:

Obesity greatly increases the likelihood of heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, orthopedic problems and other health issues. Obesity represents a major threat to the individual’s moral, daily routines and life expectancy.

What causes obesity?

  • Lack of energy balance.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
  • Inappropriate environment (nowhere to exercise, no healthy food, etc.).
  • Genes and family history in obesity.
  • Some types of medicines (corticosteroids, antidepressants, and seizure medicines).
  • Emotional factors.
  • Smoking
  • Age
  • Pregnancy
  • Lack of sleep

Tips for obesity treatment

  • Set realistic goals. It’s all about staying motivated.
  • Cut down on junk and processed food.
  • Change your lifestyle to a more active one.
  • Implement daily physical activity program to stimulate fat burning
  • Follow a healthy diet plan
  • Implement healthy living and dieting habits.
  • Follow some cellulite treatments to promote more fat burning.

Check out Marcelle's posture training classes and stay tuned to her continuous tips and support by subscribing to her newsletter and her personal blog, or by following her pages on social media.

You can also benefit from a free trial by contacting Marcelle directly and scheduling a free trial and assessment session. Click Here to schedule your session.

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Full Name


My name is Jihan, I’ve been with Marcelle since 2008. I love this class, and for me it is really essential in my life. I am a person that works a lot has her family and kids to take care of; I go from this class fully energized and it helps me physically, mentally and it has shaped my body. I would never give up this class! 
